#CULTUREBites Membership Perpetual

As a #CULTUREBites member you receive:

    • 2 hour immersive group conversations with a conversation leader (no public sessions December/January)
    • Half price access to sessions for your guests
    • Ability to send a substitute from your company if you can’t attend
    • Copies of the session video and any materials shared by the Conversation Leader
    • Inner Squircle resources & insights to support you and your team
    • Complimentary Fingerprint for Success people analytics to uncover your motivational traits together with a 1 hour debrief
    • Generous discounts on #CULTUREShift programs and trainings
    • For any in-person sessions, healthy lunch and refreshments provided
    • Half price #CULTUREConnectives Immersion** and the ability to bring a colleague for half price too

$35 + GST/month (automatic payments billed to your card until cancelled)

*all sessions are virtual, unless advised

You can read and download the Terms & Conditions here